Taking Accountability For Our Lives

I attend classes in jail that help me better process the world around me by raising my level of awareness. One concept I have learned in this class that has helped me feel a greater sense of power over my life is building accountability for my actions and thoughts. This is an area that I believe can benefit many people inside and outside of jail. Gaining the power back over the way we view our choices and actions in life can lead to a greater level of control to how we see the world.

Often in life we give away our responsibility and accountability on making decisions to others too freely. It becomes easy to let others make big decisions for our lives with little questioning or input. Doing this frequently on big and small situations takes away our power to control and influence the outcomes of life. It also leads to greater frustration and disappointment because when we lack accountability over choices we end up being stuck with the results of others' choices. However, if we don't take accountability over or choices then we really don't the right to complain when things don't go our way.

In jail many people complain about how the system has wronged them, while never questioning their part in the cycle they put themselves in. When a person grows to give away the accountability they have over the actions they take, they lose their power over their life and a take the step towards being a victim first. In my opinion I think we can begin to break this victim thinking mentality by working to be honest with ourselves. Reflecting on our actions and past choices to see the roles we play towards their outcomes. Learning from our past and realizing we have the power to build a successful future from it if we do the work versus waiting for someone else to do it for us. The awareness to realize that taking accountability for our lives in a gift, not a burden.

In the end yes, we will need to be willing to be held more accountable for our thoughts, words and actions but we will have greater control over the successes we reach.

Blackbird (Current Inmate & Co-Founder)

Hello, I’m a current inmate, founder/owner, and contributor of this site.


Humility is needed for change