Overall: 3/ 5 stars

Text Level: Easy

Entertainment: Medium

Self-Help: High

Page Count: 202

Is this book right for me and my inmate?

Inmates that are having trouble believing they have the pottential for a positive future in their life after release can learn how to visualize their successful future through this book.

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Learning the skills to create a successful future by shaping the way you think about it.

I see much of what has brought me into jail has come from the fearful thinking that shaped my life. I was afraid to step out of my comfort zone and risk for the good things I wanted. So many times my choice was to stay in the place of being stagnant towards my personal growth because the fear of the unknown failure was too great. It wasn't that I didn't want great things in life, I just believed that I wasn't capable or worthy of obtaining them. This led to a negative spiral of thinking that only delivered the rewards of my negative thoughts. I see that same thought process for many other inmates I am with. We have trouble envisioning a future that is fulfilling and successful for ourselves and loved ones. In the end we often only achieve what our negative thinking has created bringing us right back to places like this. In The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, we learn positive thinking patterns that can help create the happy reality we all deserve.

The Secret is the key for success for countless people through the ages. In this book the techniques of altering you existing world around you through positive thought is taught in simple ways. As readers we learn that we are capable of shaping our futures for the better if we begin to have a vision of it based on hope and love free of fear. I think this view was something I very much lacked for a large part of my life. The Secret teaches us that we have much more control over the outcomes in our lives than we think. As inmates lack of control and self-awarness are things many of us struggle with.

What I found really great about this book was that it uses lots of real world examples of individuals that used this practice of positive thinking for success in life. The book covers many different forms of success as well. What I learned was that whether happiness lies in being financially secure or in a healthy loving relationship with family all of the thinking comes from the same place. I get to choose how my world and reality are formed around me if I start with the thinking power of anything is possible if I have faith to believe it. If you are not sure what your future holds read this book and maybe you can start to shape it for the positive right now.

Book Quotes

“There is no greater power in the Universe than the power of love."

"It is impossible to bring more into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you have."

Blackbird (Current Inmate & Co-Founder)

Hello, I’m a current inmate, founder/owner, and contributor of this site.


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