The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching Your Destiny / Robin S. Sharma


Overall: 2/ 5 stars

Text Level: Easy

Entertainment: Low

Self-Help: High

Page Count: 198

Is this book right for me and my inmate?

If you are an inmate that is always getting stressed over the smaller things in life and it is destroying the positive progress you want to make in your life try this book.

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Building a daily life plan to free yourself of stress and angry to find greater peace.

I frequently look back and think of all the time I wasted in life being annoyed or stressed over things that brought me no benefit. Everyday was filled with small useless stresses that I chose to surround my mind with. Most of them were everyday normal encounters of life but I wanted to create them into much bigger problems that consumed me. After reading this book I can better see now how all that choosing to think of my world in that way led me to rob myself of opportunities to find peace.

In the novel The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari the readers follow the life of a high power lawyer that suffers a massive heart attack based on a life lived in stress. He decides to give up all he has to search for enlightenment and peace. In the end he finds that peaceful wisdom and comes back to share his knowledge with all he knows. I found his journey meaningful because since my time being incarcerated I have tried to apply what I have learned in helping myself to giving it back to others in need. I am not alone in this thinking because many other inmates are looking to find a new peaceful life and pass it forward to others. This book might be a good road map on how to do that for them.

Not only is this book an interesting story of a character's journey, but it offers a practical daily guide on finding peace for the readers to follow. At the end of each chapter there is a summary of the lessons learned and techniques on how to practice them. I know for myself a big goal of this journey through jail has been to come home as a much more peaceful person. I also know that if I come how with a peaceful mind my loved ones will feel valued. Finding that peace will not only improve every aspect of my mental, physical and spiritual being, but it will also help make the years I have in this life have greater meaning. If you are stresseds about your case or things on the outside at the moment maybe try this book and it can help wash away the stress of things you can't change, so you can focus on the positive ones you can change.

Book Quotes

"We might not be able to control the weather or traffic or the moods of all those around us. But, we most certainly can control our attitude towards these events.

"There is no such thing as objective reality or 'the real world.' There are no absolutes. The face of your greatest enemy might be the face of my finest friend."

Blackbird (Current Inmate & Co-Founder)

Hello, I’m a current inmate, founder/owner, and contributor of this site.


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