Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest & Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics / Henry Hazlitt

Economics in One Lesson / Henry Hazlitt - Jailhouse Book Club Inmate book Reviews


Overall: 4 / 5 stars

Text Level: Medium

Entertainment: Medium

Self-Help: Medium

Page Count: 218

Is this book right for my inmate and me?

What are taxes used for, and how should they be used? Why are your wages the amount they are? Why is rent so expensive? If any of these are questions you find yourself asking, this book can provide the insight you need to those and more. People looking to possibly wanting to start a business can find the lessons written in these pages useful. If you are hoping to build up enough wealth to have a successful retirement in the future, this book is a must to understand how to properly manage funds towards growth.

Avoid the economic fallacies that control our world.

Sound financial and economic decision in our home lives must be based on a sound economic understanding of basic principles. Those that don’t understand the basic functioning structures of the economical world we live in will find their potential of monetary growth greatly inhibited. Henry Hazlitt provides readers the basic principles, ideas and theories of proper economics that can be easily used and understood for their benefit.

The lessons within this book can be used by individuals of all economic standings. Clearly written and explained, the reader gains a better understanding of the governmental decisions on business dealings that affect the daily world around them. Whether it is the topic of minimum wages, rent control or taxes, Hazlitt shows the hidden impact they have on all of society. With this clearer understanding, it is left to the reader to make the determination of what government policies might be truly beneficial to them in th elong run.

So many inmates in jail lack the fundamental principles on how a strong economics works. This lack of understanding hinders sound monetary decisions for them when they get out. By having a book like this inmates can establish a basic level of healthy economic practices that they can apply when they are home looking for work and saving towards the future. The growth of true wealth in our nation isn’t an accident or out of reach for anyone. However, starting from a strong fundamental understanding of how a good economic system works can increase the chance for success. The author provides these basic step and theories that can be followed by all readers, whether they want to pen their own business or are just looking how to possibly save their paychecks better towards their future.

One of the strongest parts of this book is that it tears away the mystery of how our national and world economy works. It allows readers to earn the principles of free and healthy market that ll workers ca be employed in. Many terms that are frequently used by politicians when it comes to economic policy making are thoroughly explained by Hazlitt in easy-to-understand examples. The policies are explained and weighed for their merit so readers can determine if the economics of these choices really benefit themselves.

Hazlitt writes so that everyone reading this book can use the lesson taught to improve their financial position. With a deeper understanding of how the economy works the greater chance there is to be successful in it.

Blackbird (Current Inmate & Co-Founder)

Hello, I’m a current inmate, founder/owner, and contributor of this site.


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