Meditations / Marcus Aurelius
Ancient philosophical wisdom offers guidance to modern, everyday life.
Walden / Henry David Thoreau
Nature can teach us everything we need to appreciate being human.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance / Robert M. Pirsig
A journey on a motorcycle that leads to a deeper understanding of life.
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson / Mitch Albom
An old, dying professor teaches his old student wisdom-filled lessons accumulated over a beautiful life of ups and downs.
The Importance of Being Ernest / Oscar Wilde
Be careful of the lies you tell, they might have hilarious consequences.
The Spire / William Golding
When a person ignores the warnings of obsessions driven by vanity everything that once mattered will be destroyed.
To Kill a Mockingbird / Harper Lee
A story of courage to understand others before we make our judgments.
Animal Farm / George Orwell
A dystopian masterpiece about the loss of freedom, by those giving it away unintentionally.
The Picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde
Obsession over our worldly appearance blinds us from seeing our inner soul and knowing who we really are.