Longshot / Dick Fancis


Overall: 4 / 5 stars

Text Level: Easy

Entertainment: High

Self-Help: Low

Page Count: 320

Is this book right for my inmate and me?

This is an excellent excellent book series to keep your mind off of the trials of jail-time and engross your mind into fun and adventure. The books are inexpensive for your loved ones to purchase and are easy-reading for those who have never picked up a book util coming to jail.

Dick Francis writes about the basic building blocks of life - obligation, honor, love, courage, and pleasure.

Dick Francis has written over 40 books all using his experience as a professional jockey. These book are all of murder/mystery plotted themes with may insights into those of the horse racing world. Terminologies are defined and racing jargon explained on, his best work is in the constant ‘cliff-hanging’ way in which he presents his characters and situations. He is an english writer from Wales who has moved to the Caribbeans. You will love the way he pulls you into adoring his characters in his books. Longshot is fun, imaginative and carries a brilliant ending.

Longshot is about a writer that has never had much experience with horses. He is hired to write a jockey’s story, turned trailer. He lives with his subject and his family. Twists, turns, friendships and a murder happen. This book is purely for entertainment values, and will give you a little insight into the horse racing world.


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