The Codependency Recovery Guide: How To Overcome Fear of Abandonment, End People Pleasing and Conquer Codependent Behavior / Damian Blair


Overall: 4/ 5 stars

Text Level: Easy

Entertainment: High

Self-Help: High

Page Count: 274

Is this book right for me and my inmate?

Inmates trying to free themselves from alcohol and drug addiction while escaping the family cycle of incarceration that brought them to jail will find this book inspiring.

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Review By: Blackbird (Inmate)

Learning to live for yourself so you can provide the love that you need.

Codependency to find my worth is something I struggled with for a very long time in my life. Arriving in jail I found how difficult it was to cope without the crutch of depending on others around me to find my worth. I had spent so many years using others to feel I was valuable as a person that when it was time for me to work to change my life for the better it took me a long time to find my way. I believe reading this book can help inmates struggling with codependency to find their own self worth a tool to make their own journey of change easier.

This was a very good book dealing with codependency because it covered a variety of topics and how to solve the major underlying factors that create the toxic environment. Blair provides the readers with strategies, tools and quizzes to help develop skills in awareness and building healthy relationships. I found many of the exercises to be easy to understand and achievable to do on my own.

One of my greatest things I was able to take away from reading this book was how my awareness of who I am only helps me further find joy and peace. So many inmates have trouble looking in the mirror and knowing who they are. By learning who you are and learning to love what you see it allows for stronger boundaries of respect you set for yourself. Realizing self value and worth in a thing many inmates struggle with and this book targets those needed things. I hope inmates can read this book and learn their own value the way I did. It helped me realize that I hold my own keys for joy and peace and I don't need to depend on others to find happiness.

Book Quotes

"Help yourself to believe that you are worth it and that you are worthy of authentic inner love."

"When you know who you area, it's easier to not care so much about what others think."

Blackbird (Current Inmate & Co-Founder)

Hello, I’m a current inmate, founder/owner, and contributor of this site.


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