Change Your Life, Change the World: A Spiritual Guide to Living Now / Ryuho Okawa


Overall: 4 / 5 stars

Text Level: Easy

Entertainment: High

Self-Help: High

Page Count: 192

Is this book right for my inmate and me?

Changing your life through peace, prosperity and happiness.

How can we build our spiritual roots that bring us closer to understanding ourselves? Do we realize that we are all connected and in a way we are all one with each other? Ryuho Okawa shares his messsgaes of faith, spirituality and connection in this book in the hopes of bringing propserity to us all. Accepting that we are all connected, no matter our differnces, allow us to work towards a world of happiness and wisdom.

In jail, we often feel we have lost connection with the world. We see ourselves cut off from many ties, alone form hope and love with no one we can share our values with. Even more, many of us simply don’t know where to turn to in figuring out how to correct our lives. We are in search of a path that can lead us towards happiness. We feel lost from the truth where we can become closer to something greater than ourselves. With this loneliness and struggle in finding a purpose in life, it often becomes too easy to give up, or worse pick the wrong outlets for managing the pain.
Okawa provides reader the framework for understanding our lives and how we connect to the world around us. Reading this book, you are shown that you play an important part in shaping the happiness around you. The author provides the readers step-by-step guides in ways to educate the soul and change fate towards the positive. Throughtout the book, you are reminded that you have the ability to form a happy world around you if start by overcoming your own negative thoughts that tie you down. A better life is possible, Okawa believes, if we get rid of our hatred of others and just as importantly ourslves. He teaches his readers about the responsibility we owe to ourselves to make a change. Building a life on the princeipls of Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection, and Progress, happiness can be had for you and those you love.

As inmates, we search for meaning. We search for the Truth. There are so many times we feel that the world around us is out of our control. The belief that no matter what we do will not effect anything is prevalent, as we lose our connection with our communities and world at large. However, when we see that there is a plan for us and we have the tools within us to achieve happiness, we can begin to work towards betterment. Our lives have meaning, and we must do our part to work towards it. Starting a life free of negative judgement and anger allows for the positive forces to come to us. Our spirits and souls can growth through exploration of the right mind, as we pursue true happiness that goes beyond the material world.

Blackbird (Current Inmate & Co-Founder)

Hello, I’m a current inmate, founder/owner, and contributor of this site.


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